
Email: Davetrials@hotmail.com




Fun Stuff


The Chainring

You only need your smallest chainring for trials and not three like on a standard bike. There is no need for such a large gear ratio as you normally only use gears 2-5 and it's not often you need gear 5, or 2 for that matter. Also with a single ring there is more clearence when getting up obstacles, making life easier for you. If trials isn't the only thing you ride then two chainrings (smallest and, middle) won't hurt you, but three chainrings is a no no. You want the chainring to be between 20-24T.

The Bashguard

{DMR 22T bashguard}

You MUST fit a bashguard if you want to get anywhere in trials, this fits over your smallest chainring and acts as a solid guard, so if you can't get straight up something you can fall onto your chainring withouth bending it. They are very strong small, and compact and you can pick up one for as little as £20

The Cranks

{FSA Crank with trials set up chainring}

Fairly straight forward here, anything that is strong enough to take a beating will do, On the cheap side FSA Powerpro cranks at only £25 (cranks only) are plenty strong enough for most riders, although they have a habbit of the threads wearing down quickly. Middleburn, Raceface, and XTR are all great if you have the money. If you are a very trials specific rider, who rides a lot of natural trials then smaller cranks would do you nicely, they make hopping up banks etc easier but are a pain for getting any where.

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